Sunday, August 7, 2022

DAY 87 – Kalgoorlie

Good Morning Kalgoorlie!
Low 1°c (34°F) – High 15°c (59°F)
Oh My Word – well if we thought yesterday morning was cold – Kalgoorlie gave us a taste of “I can go lower” this morning.  It was a very late morning out of bed this morning with a low overnight of 1 and it still felt like it was 1 at 8.00am.
I can’t say I was looking forward to today as there was so much washing to do it literally took most of the day and when I had that done it was time to give Kitty a complete bath and trim.  There went the whole day between trying to rotate clothes on the line and I’m almost sure I washed everything in the van.  We are conscious of getting into the colder wetter areas for the next 3 weeks so needed to make the most of the sunshine while we had it.  And speaking of sunshine, it turned out to be a really lovely day so we set up the table, chair and dryer out in the sun for me to dry Kitty.  I can’t tell you how nice it was to have the sun on your back again after the rain and cold we’ve had recently.
Originally we had planned to stay in Kalgoorlie only 2 nights, travel north to see Gwalia – a deserted mining town – and then back to Kalgoorlie for another 2 nights.  However with the weather forecast promising 2 days of sunshine we decided to extend our first stay by a night and make the most of it.
Shane ducked out to get a few groceries, but by the time I had done all the chores I just wanted a rest and actually went to bed around 8.30pm completely exhausted and with my ankle giving me the heads up it wasn’t thrilled with me being on my feet all day.  At least everything is fresh & clean and we have a fluffy much happier Miss Kitty as well.

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